Sunday, July 13, 2003

Overtime Bennies


House Votes Down Bill to Protect Overtime Pay

July 11-The House voted 213-210 yesterday against a legislative amendment authored by Congressmen David Obey (D-Wis.) and George Miller (D-Calif.) that would have blocked changes proposed by the Bush administration to take away overtime pay rights for millions of American workers.


You know, I really hate it when they patronize empolyees who risk life and limb to keep us healthy and safe and then they take away anything that makes the risk worthwhile. So call, or email your representative, tell them (nicely) to stop short changing the men and women who work their butts off already to make sure you and I have the services we need. Or, thank them for trying to block Bush's proposal.

Alright, at least read the article and think about it- act if you can. Don't do it cuz I'm feeling all righteous and said so.

Oi! It just ticks me off!