Friday, March 05, 2004 Comments Thingee (859585) Comments Thingee (859585)

You know, it's comments like these that made me wanna blow my highschool up. What the hell is wrong with people? Because they aren't strapping young jocks or have parents that actually taught them how to eat a healthy diet, it's open fire on on the freak? This is the type of thing that makes me hate being an American. They all say it's about the freedom, but one has to realize that with that freedom comes a need to be a compassionate human being and tolerant of differences.

We may all need food and water to survive, but every experience adds to the taprestry of our souls. How dare people make fun of kids, w/o knowing the circumstances. How many times was I spit on because I wasn't skinny and wore the latest trend. How many times was I called a freak because of the clothes I wore or the color of my hair? This pisses me off more and more. Maybe y'all should take a look at the kids in black. They're rebelling. and they're angry with the world, for whatever reason. Possibility they are intelligent enough to see how F'ed up things really are. That we're all wrong. That authorities and society have been cheating them, f'ing them up the ass for all these years.

So there's my rant for the day. Find a freak and hug them, or smile at them. Show them the there is hope in hummanity. And tell them a freak told you to love them, for her.