Sunday, November 13, 2005

Need More Agitation

I need some coffee badly. It's 10:00pm, I have tomorrow off and I find myself yawning. So one quick note and then off to grind some dark oily beans into a fine powdery dust.

I dreamt of spiders last night. 100's of spiders in jars, with bits of cardboard to eat. They looked like the Hobo Spider, but more of a dried blood color. I felt sorry for them, but at the same time, I wanted them all dead and far, far away from me.

Some of you know how much I have struggled with spiders, others of you may think me silly. But for the record, they started it. One bit me in a dream when I was 5 and as much as I try to deprogram myself of this asinine fear. I can't shake it.

Off to make coffee, I'm feeling squeamish, suddenly.