Wednesday, January 04, 2006

More on Antimatter

Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons / Program was touted publicly, then came official gag order

Cool...and not so cool. Yay human race!

Why in the hell do we need this? Even if they are touting it to be a long way off? I keep getting these visions in my head of gruff military elite, their general caps shading there eyes...deep hollow voices(NSFW) mumbling about protecting the moral sheep and elite power something something something.

Krimey, why can't we feed and house people? I really should stop paying my taxes, if all the goverenment is going to do is act like a bunch of kids with the biggest stick.
I just don't get it. I have deep dark spots...but none so deep as to play with a substance that can blow up the entire planet. A freakin pea's worth of antimatter could blow up most of Portland! How twisted is someone to want to do that? It doesn't seem natural!