Bad Internal DJ!!
I may have to drown him in whiskey and murder ballads tonight.
Sarah Mclachlan...
mythic musings
It amazes me how often I forget that myth weaves through my life. How often it goes unnoticed, until it hits me squarely between the eyes and I am forced to look at it, rub my brow in pain and then consider it as
only a map in which guides my existance.
The myth always seems to be accompianed by its patron dieties or archetypes and in my worldview of the moment, colored by one myth or another, those archetypes infuse me and make themselves known to those who pass by me. Whether they catch the Venus weeping or
"Ishtar Rising", they will go the extra step to say hello and gooday. But only if I am aware of the archetypal behavior I am experiencing. Perhaps it is only coincidince, but I'm tending to think not.
I am still struggling to find the words to express the anquish I feel as I stare into a chasm void of the malty goodness of the velvety king of ales on tap.
peeking in
It seems that when I have nothing to do, I can not focus. Yet when my cup is overflowing, I tend to become keener, even driven to step back from the conscious mask of the self. Then I become sloppy and forgetful when ducking the bombardment of stimuli.
There's a need to set aside the labels and release the creature lurking where only the lunar rays can reach. But there is no time...yet time is at my fingers tips.
This is my dilemma until the spout on the cup unclogs itself. But then everything will be flowing again, and my overflowing vessel will be empty.
What sustenance will I draw from then?
I'm thinking goat sacrifices. Unfortunately, I dont know where to get a goat in this town. Maybe the yellow dog will be up for it.