No bloody heat
When the furnace fan starts to make weird rattling noises, call the bloody repairman right away. Lest you go three days trying to ignore the thumpity chugging and wind up with a low drone that eventually dies out, leaving you and your house to suffer less than 40 degree weather.NO really! If you try to change the filter (and clean the fan blades)and it still makes that weird noise? It probably means it's still not working properly.
I am now surrounded by various fire breathing floor dragons that growl and chuckle at me. The oldest one was laughing so hard his cage rattled his bones forcing me to pull his plug. My head is cluttered enough already and the constant white whirls, rattles, burning dust odors and lack of heat is making it hurt.
And now the gray beast next my feet seems to have decided to take a nap. And I need to determine if the fuse went, or he's just to cheap to care about my needs.
hrmm. I think I need a beer. Though if I drink whiskey, I won't feel the cold...
After I eat my garlic cheese bread (such comfort foods are needed right now), I'm going down to the pub. And If I'm lucky, Jake will call and I can tell him to pick me up, since 3 hours of beer will probably force me to walk home. And damnit, I'm tired of being cold.
Edit: PS~ It is the bloody fuse... son of a @$%&#!