Monday, November 14, 2005

Starry Starry Night- Or Lack There Of

One of the things I dislike about living in a city the most, is the light pollution. Many many nights , I wish that I could just sit out in the yard and allow my head to wander the stars. There seems to be something to just lying on your back and letting your eyes drift into the light studded velvet of Nuit.

One night a while back (9 years ago) I found an open field and had a lay down in the center of it. The trees where far enough from my peripheral vision that I had an unobstructed view of outerspace. The nearest town was 5 miles away. Clouds drifted above me, creating a window of perception I had never experienced. With the static stars of a moonless night, the wisps of moisture that crossed my vision created a since of movement and I felt the earth spin.

I don't recall where my mind wandered that night or even of it did. I think that perhaps it was one of the few times there was no voice chatting at me, trying to occupy all the space in my head. I just lied there next to one soon to be my husband.

Another time I found myself in the mountains of Idaho. The fire had gone out and Jake and I where left to the almost pure blackness of a deep forest. Above us a small clearing of trees framing a sea of little lights. There were so many stars, I couldn't even pick out a constellation! And every point of light twinkled. We sat in silence.

I wonder how our society manages to not notice the transcendent beauty they are missing out on. And does it have any affect on the pysche of our civilization? I tend to think that the stories of gods and what have you stems from the awesome expanse of the starry night. That allowing yourself to drift, so to speak, outwards to the rest of the universe; connects you to the deepest part of yourself. But this is loose romantic talk. How can I say what I want to? I can site examples of men who have searched the stars and come up with some profound, if not at least interesting observations on the nature of things. What happens to humanity when there's to many lights to see beyond the atmosphere?


iTunes- "Waterloo"- ABBA