Thursday, January 05, 2006

Older Work force?

It seems to me that the number of people over 40 and even 50 are having a harder time getting their foot in the door at a new employer. For instance, I believe my father-in-law has still not been hired on full-time at either of the two full-time "Temp" jobs he is working.

I know that my father, if he were to try and find a job, would have very little luck. As he very limited computer skills, and can't do much labor, because of a disabling accident back in 1984.

When my Mother-in-Law looks for other jobs, she is met with resistance. And I happen to know that she is fairly skilled and very professional in her work.

Heaven forbid if my mother had to go look for another job. She could possibly get another office job, but only if she sacrifices her wages.

It doesn't make sense. If it's true that the youngest baby boomers are not able to find jobs...we are so screwed in the next 10 years. Maybe life extension isn't a good idea, if we can't figure out a way to allow our parents to feed and house themselves.
What the heck are we gonna do with all of them? I can't house 4 parents and a step-parent!!

Ya, I'm Gen X...
Where you come from is gone, where you're going to weren't never there, and where your at, ain't no good unless you can get away from it. Jesus Built My Hot Rod-Ministry

No future for you, no future for me.
No future, no future for you.
God Save the Queen-Sex Pistols

Fuck Nirvana and "Teen Spirit", That's for the posers that laughed at me before flannel became "cool".