BBC NEWS | Americas | US fears home-grown terror threatYay!
Now we can have the proper government takeover we've all been waiting for.
Hey Kids! Does daddy talk about guns and bombs? Does he say bad things about your big brother Uncle Sam? Because if he does little kid, we gotta lock him up so he doesn't hurt big brothers piggy bank! You be sure to tell us if you see him near it or if he says mean things. And if he tries to sell you a Q, runaway very fast!"Today terrorist threats come from a smaller, more loosely defined cells not affiliated to al-Qaeda," he said.
Uh huh...
Go watch
Loose Change if you haven't done so already.
Then you'll understand my sarcasm and lack of funny wit. Well, that might have something to do with this DAMN COLD. Any way~love to you all and to all a safe night.
Confession #387
I'm an angry person. Rather, I can be an angry person and most often choose or fall into the trap of dealing with situations in which cursing and fist shaking take place. Usually this is accompanied by phrases as "A pox on your Bum" and my fist hitting the table.
But last night an issue re-surfaced that I was not prepared for. I thought everything was ok. But it's not and the means to fix it are under way. But what happened after I heard the "news" is what I need to get down for my own posterity. Instead of grabbing my sword and a medium sized yellow animal, I restrained myself and literally fought with the steel-toed girl in my head shouting curses at the neighbor.
I cleansed, I banished, and really concentrated on that green light between my was dirty. It dawned on me in the 2 hours I was lying in bed that I don't banish as much as I used too...if ever. I concentrate only on getting to point B, and forget about point A getting dusty and attracting little mites that tend to eat away at my sanity.
Now, I'm not saying I'm not going to be angry anymore, I'm just gonna try to turn it in to positive and creative energy. I like being angry sometimes. It scares the people away when they know I can smite them. And then I can go back to my creative endeavor and not be bothered with piddly nuances.
Someday I'll live on a mountain top, just far enough away from the other hermits I know of to pop over for drink and smoke. Speaking of smoke...
Guantanamo suicides a 'PR move'
Reading this story in which
American officals call the Guantanamo suicides a 'PR move', makes me feel very ill for at least two reasons.
One, apparently being held against your will for several years without actually being charged with something, is no grounds for killing yourself. Excuse me, but whether or not I kill myself is between me and maybe those whom I want to know.
Secondly, I think calling the deaths of these men a "PR trick" is an Orwellian phrase used to decieve the public... again. Yes, the deaths will call attention to the fact that there are men locked up on an island, possibly for no good reason. But it's still playing these men as our enemies, creating fear and disgust in the "con"scious of the American public. Who in their right mind would forgive you for holding them in a cage for no damn good reason other than because somebody attacked your house of cards?
Oh and Thirdly, this is convenient:
On Friday, Mr Bush said he would "like to end Guantanamo", adding he believed the inmates "ought to be tried in courts here in the United States". Ya, I believe you. It's these awful little soldiers that are keeping these men locked up or somesuch isn't it? Let's not forget your conservative compassion...
You know what America? When our asses get blown up again because of all the times we neglect to share the liberty and right to live with every other human on this planet, unless it is convenient for us, I'm gonna laugh my ass off. And then I'm gonna be sad, because it will the innocent that die for your deceitful, fascist ways. I can only hope that someday you take the gun to your own skulls and stop trying to assert your selves on or over everyone else.Hrmmm I think my blood sugar is a little low, I should go find some breakfast. Try not to hate to much today, unless it's the neighbor mowing his lawn, keeping you from napping, and making you growly...ya he deserves it.
Mushy mushy
Still two major papers to go and my brain and body are revolting against me. I think I had to much sugar today, and 4.5 hours of sleep...
The only healthy thing I ate today was a cup of yogurt and I can even question the benefits of that.
The question is: can I complete a paper by Tuesday while putting 28 hours of work in and take tonight to recoup from the ordeal of getting my portfolio finished and handed in today?
Brain deadness setting in. I can't write a paper when I can't even find the words to blog.
Smacky Smacky!
Smacky the squirrel made me smile.
And now back to what ever you were doing. Unless you clicked the link before reading this and you are in happy smacky land.
Smokin ciggarettes and watching...
dozens of 12 point times new roman font words spread out across my head in patterns resembling some sort of coherent thought regarding victorian melodramatic flywheels touting the speed limit of MY Space while little alex tells me how he learned to love the bombpay the rent the pretty polly want a cracker sits in the box marked SAFE and I die alittle bit.
I am never ever going to read about some 1890's mental breakdown again without taking lots of little yellow pills first. I'm beginning to hate lit class.
I need more brain power...there's not enough to go round. To many things...I want to nail down one, even though it has no deadline.. unlike my schoool work.. or my job.
I want to crucify this thought, spreading it out on the wall so I can gut it, pull out its intestines, find the little worm that's sucking everything out of my "knowing" and kill it by means of a very hot flame. Then I can look the splayed corpse in the face and demand it tell me what the hell is going on. Why does it insist on on needling me and tell me what the fuck IT is. Some fantastical mystical IT and I can not understand IT... At least it's not covered in mucus today.
Bedwise is right wise, my little droogs, right, right?