Tuesday, January 24, 2006

the muse stirs

Finally, a decent cup of espresso...

I have never been the type of person who can operate well on low levels of sleep. I get ornry, less horny and can be a down right pain to be around. But I am finding that sleep gets in the way of too many things, and as of late has not provided too many surreal dreams from which I can pull inspiration out of.

But, my body revolted against me not taking care of myself last weekend and literally let some giant bug into the house and let it have a party for all it's friends and the feckers trashed my lungs, my brain, teeth, nose, throat and cheek bones. A week or more after this and I still can't fully appreciate my cigarettes and have been holding steady at 2 a day, because I'm a smoker damnit!

I've only had 4 cups of coffee in the past week, and I am having to literally force myself to think about anything outside of school work and what I need from the grocery store. I hate going food shopping. Especially since I go 2 to three places, depending on need. Organic stuffs from TJ'S or the veggie stand. Anything brightly colored with a ton of sodium, Safeway™.

And of course I'm thinking to hard and misreading everything, making my homework twice as hard as it should be and taking me twice as long to do. I gotta remember to not try so hard. But hey, at least the polynominals are coming along better.

But, me thinks the lack of coffee, has a started to affect my sleeping. Today I woke up. Alarm went off. I was awake. Ready to start my day. I only hit the snooze button once. Unfortunetly, I'm not as quick or creative in Intro to Philosophy...which makes for a along 2 hours. There aughta be a place between Algebra and Philo to grab an espresso, but no. To go searching for that would make me late to class. and ya'll know I'm on time, if not early. Sometimes way early...

Having mused a little on the subject of health and sleep, I depart to find a warm nest and get a good nights sleep before my quiz's tomorrow. before it becomes less than 7 hours of sleep.