Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Encyclopedia of Norse Mythology - Tyr and Zisa (Page 1)

When I first started studying the Teutonic deities, I was always a little curious as to why there was never any mention of a female counter part to one handed guy, Tyr. Nor, was there modern worship of an "old" goddess. Sure we have Frigga and Freya, but I do not see them as mother or earth goddesses. And Nerthus was to closely linked to Njord, in fact considered by some to be Njord. But since Tyr had not "come" to me as others of the pantheon had, I left the thought on the shelf where it disappeared under the other idols I piled up around it.

In light of recent synchronicties, and a comment from Jake about an article referencing such a figure, I sat down to meditate without having so much as looked at the article. In my meditation I sank into the earth. Black, warm, fertile soil enveloped me and my perception changed to a view of the mossy ground. A woman's left hand dug itself out of the soil reaching for the sunlight and then it beckoned to me. I asked for a name, and all I got was a letter.

The letter Z.

I shrugged it off, what goddess would have a Z name? The letter did not seem in place with other Germanic deity names. I rolled over and went to sleep, thinking I should try another night. Imagine my pleasant smile when I read the Wiki article and discovered "Zisa".

Several hours of scouring the web turned up very little information on this enity, which I find terribly unfortunate. However, Tactius relates her worship to that of Isis, and that gives me some hope. It at least gives me a filter into which assimilate any information coming to me, a point of recognition so to speak. But I also know that Tactius' writings are under debate, as he seems to have been quite far off on some subjects.

It also gives me an archetype that I can relate to in the context of an "old school" deity. I feel that she is not Nuit(to night like), but neither is she Babalon(to uncontrolled). She felt strong in my vision, the type of strength one might sense from their mother, before they realize that she is a sexual being as they enter puberty. The strength of a protector, perhaps? Being that she is of Eastern European descent (and Germanic) the warrior spirit is not out of the question, either.

Could Zisa be an earth/fertility/warrior goddess? Amazonian perhaps? Another avenue to explore. But I know of no primary sources relating to the Amazon tribes that describe who or what or how they worshipped. I will start keeping some notes of my research and meditations. If any of you happen to think of something or a comapartive deity, let me know.

Hey they resurrected Eris, It can be done.

Correction/update: The Amazons most likely worshipped Artemis or similar deity. And were found to far south for my purposes. *shrug*