Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Last night after ONE double espresso, I found myself lying in bed, unable to sleep. I tried all my usual tricks and still my mind would not clear. And as the hour ticked by, I started to stress that I was not getting enough sleep. And then I dozed and woke up, and dozed again, and woke up, and so on for 3 or 4 hours.

So what did I do this morning? I stopped for coffee. I fear that a cycle has begun and I really want to stem the tide of playing balancing games with my sleep, thinking abilities and immune system.

The sorry part was that the caffine induced thinking process gave out halfway through Philo class. See the next post about that.

Well damnit. I need to figure out how to force my brain into operating more efficently and precisly, with out the aid of coffee. I want sleep more than coffee, I think...But in all actuality I don't know how to reconcile this dilema. Well ok an idea or two, but that's gonna be in the next post too.

Maybe I just need to rebuild my tolerance levels.

Maybe...when I get a day of rest each week next month, this will all worl it's self out.


just maybe.