Friday, August 04, 2006

Dang me!

Bree reminded me of my first walk out into the ocean. She got further than me, I hadn't come prepared for a swim. So I only walked out to about midrif (wet bras SUCK). I wanted to go further, but the practical gal in my head said "no" quite firmly.

But never had I felt a greater desire to let go that day. To float and allow the waves to roll over me. Jake will attest to my confession to him that afternoon. "I just want to sit in the water. Here, hold my bag."

A turbulent calm drew me in. The waves rolled into me and through me, massaging my calves and thighs. I wanted to cry. I wanted to dive. I wanted to play and push back. I smiled and hugged myself. The only reason I came out was because my two J's were patiently waiting.

One of these days, me and the yellow dog will go for a swim. And we can pretend to be dolphins. Though Me thinks Jake would be less likely to be swept out to sea.